Forecast: April-May 2011

Sun Apr 10 2011Uncategorized

Up until the end of May, I wanted to open source some more projects, namely my Doom Engine WAD Reader and Extractor, an application that can open WAD files and view as well as extract the files inside, and a unified Heroes of Might and Magic I, II and III reader and extractor.

I'm probably going to open two Sourceforge projects for the Doom reader, one for the Framework and one for the application that uses the framework.

With the Unified Heroes Reader, I'm probably going to create separate Heroes1, Heroes2 and Heroes3 frameworks on sourceforge as well as a main application project.

I will also endeavour to catch up on the MOD Monday situation as ever. Easier said than done if you just aren't coming across enough songs to post!

I'm looking at implementing physics engines, regaining my footing on graphics programming and embarking on some new projects, which I'll post about should they come to fruition.

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