HTML5 Quake II MD2 Model Loader and Renderer
Tue Jul 27 2010Web Development
Hot on the heels of my PHP MD2 renderer that loads a Quake II MD2 model file and renders and rotates the model in 3D, I decided that it was clunky and to take advantage of new techniques in browsers I present an HTML5 based Quake II MD2 model loader and renderer that I wrote to demonstrate file reading and canvases. (Click Image to View HTML5 MD2 Renderer) Notes I used the BinaryReader which was refactored by Vjeux although I had to slightly refactor it myself as I had problems getting floats…
PHP MD2 Model Viewer
Mon Jul 26 2010Web Development
Not much to say except that this is a PHP script that loads an MD2 file server side (You have a choice between Quad Damage and Space Marine models). The script parses the data and outputs it to a GDImage as a wireframe model. This was just for fun and I hope it doesn't prove to be too heavy for my host's servers. You can update the model's rotation manually or click the auto update checkbox to have it perform one complete 360 degree rotation. Angle: Auto Update: (Do one complete 360 degree…
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