C# NuGet Package TableSpans.HtmlAgilityPack for HtmlAgilityPack to Collapse Rowspan and Colspan Into Unique Cells
Sat Aug 28 2021Programming
I have just released an extension called TableSpans.HtmlAgilityPack for HtmlAgilityPack to handle collapsing rowspan and colspan into unique cells to aid in parsing tables. If you try to parse a table that makes use of colspans or rowspans, you'll find the results of the parsing fail completely. This package rebuilds the individual cells duplicating the results across the missing cells. See the example image below: Example table found here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1669334…
How to Add Chapters to a Video using FFMPEG - Part Two - C# Script
Thu Aug 05 2021Uncategorized
This is the second post in the series involving the creation of chapters using FFMPEG. Part 1 - How to Add Chapters to a Video using FFMPEG - Part One - The Basics Part 2 - How to Add Chapters to a Video using FFMPEG - Part Two - C# Script Here's some example code of how to create FFMPEG chapter metadata using C# .NET Core 5.0:
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